A man screaming in pain in a copper mine during an accident.

‘The Ripple Effect’ – Safety Training with a Personal Touch!

creative illusions Productions is often brought in to help a company create safety videos to capture the attention of the employees and make them more aware of the dangers that they could easily avoid by paying attention to their surroundings and the safety guidelines that are in place. Safety videos are vitally important because the employees and visitors to any manufacturing facility must pay attention and understand how important it is to follow all safety guidelines

The ‘Ripple Effect’ is one of the safety videos that creative illusions Productions produced this year for a mineral mine in British Columbia, but it quickly turned into much more than that. It has not only captured the attention of the new employees who watch the video during their safety training but has also garnered a Telly Award for our client – sort of an added bonus. The real reward is that our client now has a series of safety videos that pertain to their particular industry that will hopefully prevent injuries and save lives.

A quarry or mine is dangerous in many ways because there is incredibly large machinery, explosions and many tons of falling stone. The processing area is equally as dangerous. The employees who were interviewed for the series all had equally moving stories to tell but ‘The Ripple Effect’ was especially compelling. The accident to this man’s hand not only affected his job performance and hindered what he was able to do at work and day to day for the rest of his life but he also shared how it affected his family’s lives. In the past the mine had used a generic safety training video that had nothing to do with their industry and what the employees and contractors would be doing or seeing on a day to day basis. Because it was so generic employees and contractors didn’t pay much attention to what they were viewing. When contractors come on the property, many of them are unaware of neither the potential dangers that are around them nor the dangers that they could put others in.

Our goal at creative illusions Productions with the new safety videos was to put real faces and real tragedies in front of these men and women to grab their attention.